Sunday, May 06, 2007


Tu és Fiel Senhor
Meu Pai Celeste pleno poder
aos Teus filhos darás
nunca Mudaste, Tu nunca Faltaste
tal como Eras Tu sempre Serás.
Tu és fiel Senhor
Tu és fiel senhor
dia após dia com bençãos sem fim.
Tua mercê me sustenta e me guarda.
Tu és Fiel Senhor,Fiel a mim.
Flores e frutos
montanhas e mares
sol,lua, estrela no céu a brilhar
tudo Criaste na terra e no ares
todo o universo vem pois Te louvar
Pleno perdão Tu dás,
Paz, segurança
Cada momento me guias Senhor
E no porvir
Oh que doce esperança
Desfrutarei do Teu rico favor.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Seasons of love

Seasons Of Love

five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
five hundred twenty five thousand moments so dear
five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
how do you measure? measure a year
in daylights,
in sunsets,
in midnights
,in cups of coffee,
in inches,
in miles,
in laughter,
in strife
in five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
how do you measure a year in a life?
how about love?
how about love?
how about love?
measure in love... seasons of love... seasons of love...
five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
five hundred twenty five thousand journeys to plan
five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
how do you measure a life of a woman o a man
in truths that she learned or in times that she cried
in bridges he burned or the way that she died
its time now to sing out though the story never ends
let's celebrate remember a year in a life of friends remember the love...
(oh you gotta remember the love) remember the love...
(oh yeah, its a gift from up above) remember the love...
(sing out, give out, measure your life in looooooove...!!!)
seasons of love...seasons of love...